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Create less friction and gain more traction

In my last post I talked about the one-two punch for driving brand growth: Innovate + Innovate. What I forgot to include was reducing friction. Innovation keeps consumers curious and wanting to participate in what’s next. Less friction increases traction and gives your brand more transactions.

Less friction starts with coaching

When it comes to consumers using their spending power for good, sometimes brands and marketers need to guide or coach people into following through with a purchase. Which segment a consumer falls under within our conscious consumption groups will determine just how much coaching they will need.

Coaching each segment

When you think about the different personalities associated with each segment of Conscious Consumers, you can start to learn just how much coaching your brand will need to do to ensure a purchase. For example, Torchbearers are naturally more proactive and are often the ones leading the way. No or little coaching needed. Comittteds are actively trying to make better, more conscious decisions, but recognize their imperfections and lapses in judgment. Some coaching needed. Top of mind awareness is also important with this segment. Half-Hearteds want to do better, try to do better, but need a lot more help. Lots of coaching needed.

When it’s easy to do good, people will do good

If you can create less friction by making it as easy as possible for a consumer to buy your product and do good at the same time, it begins to equalize these segments. For example, both Warby Parker and TOMS incorporate conscious consumption within every purchase–the only thing required of the consumer is to complete a purchase of an item that is already on their shopping list. Each purchase automatically benefits the greater good. No further action required. And no coaching needed regardless of which segment the consumer falls under.

All brands can benefit

The benefits of coaching and creating less friction aren’t limited to just socially conscious brands and purchase behaviors. Outside of conscious consumption, you’ve got brands like Uber and Lyft. While neither was an overnight success, each removed significant friction within transportation and have quite literally transformed the category. Likewise, Netflix transformed entertainment. Now people can binge watch entire seasons rather than be forced to wait for the next episode to air, making it easier to cut the cord and dump cable. Less friction, more traction. Voice recognition devices like Amazon’s Alexa and others from Apple and Google will be absolute game changers. Why? Less friction.

Keep it simple. Make it rewarding. Think like your customer.

Too often brands are thinking about what is important to them instead of finding ways to make the decision and transaction easier for the customer. When designing your marketing plans, thinking of your brand’s user experience is as important as other measurements like reach, frequency or website traffic. And the more turnkey and rewarding the experience, the better.

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