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Media Trends Monday: What Devices are People Using?

Welcome to Media Trends Monday, a new series designed to give you insight into current trends in media, how they’ll impact your organization, and how we view the big picture landscape here at CCF.

Today we’re looking at trends in device usage. What device do you spend the most time on?

Time Spent on Devices

We consume media through a collection of multi-sized black mirrors in our possession. Insights into that usage is quite important to the media industry. As such, it’s key to know where the attention of audiences lies. On top of that, the pandemic marked a large scale change in device usage and habits.

Here’s a chart from eMarketer that breaks down time spent per device in minutes per day by the average person. It’s important to note that 2021 and 2022 are predictive. 

The first takeaway is clear. We spent a lot of time on our phones in 2020. That makes a lot of sense, considering many of us didn’t have anything better to do except learn how to make sourdough bread on TikTok.

It’s no surprise that mobile usage is on the rise, and it projects to steadily increase in the coming years. Meanwhile, the exodus of viewers from TV is happening faster than ever, but TV die-hards increased their usage in 2020, along with a rise in CTV (Connected TV) leading to the increase in the “other” devices category.

That “other” category could also grow in the coming decades due to the rise in the usage of VR headsets. Try one yourself and you’ll see why. 

What does it mean for your business?

The burning question is: are your messages reaching the devices your audience reaches for most? And how will those devices change in the future? We’re keeping a close eye on these trends here at CCF, leveraging device data to inform emerging user behavior and ever-evolving mindsets.

We’re here to answer any tough questions you have on the topic. Let’s talk.



We’ll dive more into more trends in TV, mobile, digital, and traditional in the coming weeks, continuing to give you an inside look at the world of media. Thanks for reading from whatever device you happen to be using, and we’ll see you back here real soon! 

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